K!s@H K!t@...

 Salam, for a very long time I'm not update anything here...
How time flies! We are in Ramadhan...
So, first of all I wanna wish all of Muslims " Happy Fasting and Allah always loving you."
Now, it is the exam week in my school and at the same time we are fasting...
What a very best week of all coz I'm not feeling anything during the exam...
So weird... My exam starts on Tuesday and end on Thursday but for me end on Friday coz I'm not doing my exam on Thursday...
I have to go checkup at the hospital...
Bahasa Malaysia not too easy
Agama Islam too easy :P for me it's too hard
Mathematics medium hard and easy
Bahasa Inggeris also the same as Mathematics
Sejarah same as BI and Math
Science is the best. what a very best question...
It is the best science exam I've ever had... Hahha

Lately, I'm feeling so happy but I don't know why...
But there is always freak people around me...
Haha that is mean by life...
Love, fun, happy, sad, angry and so on...
It is part of our life...
But for me, my life is full with love and hate...
I love my life coz I feel it is better than nothing...
For me, my life is almost perfect coz nobody's perfect, right?
Till here first... I will update later... See you soon...
Always happy...
Admin~anak dara The Gossiper Babes~