RaYa 2011

 Salam, how ar u all?
Oh my dude! I just wanna tell u all about my most memorable experience...
My most memorable experience is this Raya trip with my friend...

Mood : Maximum happening!
With : Nurul Fyqa, Fyqa Syeera, Fyqa Rina (Syeera's sister), Jwi Wiwi, M Fakrul n Ellysha Sofea
Venue : Our home n Pn Maimon (our ex BM teacher)
Date : 16 September 2011 - Hari 1Malaysia
Day : Friday

We all go to Fakrul's home before Jumaat prayer. Then, about 2 pm we start to walk to Syeera's n Rin's home. About 3 pm, we start to go to Pn Maimon's home but it's rain, so we decide to stay at Elly's home. After that, we started to go to Pn Maimon's home then about 5.15 pm we walked to Wiwi's home... Haha, the best part of all is when we walked to my home..
We had been chased by a dog but actually it is not... Fakrul is phobia to dog... The dog just sat at the roadside but Fakrul's screaming so they all ran while shouting but I'm not ran so I turned back n saw the dog staring us... Then, I laughed n asked them to walked n never ran coz the dog will chased after us if we ran off... Haha at my home, we opened our scarfs n sat in front of fans...
Syeera's n Rin's home - we ate samosa otak-otak, samosa kentang n nugget
Elly's home - we ate Pepperoni Delight pizza
Wiwi's home - we ate mi soto
My home - we ate popia ketam...

Till here first... See u all later...

Admin~anak dara The Gossiper Babes~