The Vacation at The Sea..

Hello, Hye, Assalamualaikum guys :)
Miss NurAyna Diba is here again!
Actually post ni dah HAMPIR a month dalam draft box :D
There’s something I want to story mory with u guys xD
Sabtu bertarikh 22 Dec 2012, my family and I went to Pantai Desaru to have fun time together :D

Actually the one yang requested to go there is me cause I Love Nature so at that time I’ve been so stressed out so the solution to make me feel calm is having fun with nature :-P so to make it simple is I have to go to the sea and chillax there ;)

Mak kejut Na 7.30 am tapi at the time she woke me up, she said
“Adik!! Bangun lah!! Kata nak pergi laut. Baju tak kemas! Makanan tak siap! Eh anak dara ni!! BANGUNLAH!! Dah dekat pukul 9 ni!!"
Selamba je kan dia tipu I?? I HATE that okay cause I ni bila Mak kejut sekali je terus bangun apatah lagi kalau dia kelentong Na macam itu
L kata Mak itu yang dinamakan ANAK DARA sebenar – bangun pagi-ii katanya :-P 
But I tak puas hati SIKIT sebab Mak just kejut Na je tapi dia tak kejut Akak pun.
Bila Na tanya, kata Mak 
“Dia tu dah besar panjang, 28 tahun dah, sikit masa lagi kahwin.. Dah sampai macam itu pun masih nak tunggu Mak kejut baru bangun ke??” 
Okay Mak, Adik amat memahami apa yang cuba diterangkan :D

Then after that we cooking-ii together in the kitchen.. We prepared foods and drinks to have picnic at the beach ;-) We both sediakan berbotol-ii mineral waters, 2 containers of fruits (apples and pears), a container of rice, a container of sambal tumis ikan bilis which I made it by myself ;-) and the most important is SNACKS which most of it are CHOCOLATES cause I’m CHOCOHOLIC :D

Around 10 or 11 am we started our journey by car (My Dad’s new car-Honda CRV) :-D

We reached there around 1 pm then me n Mak kelam kabut merebut tempat redup di bawah pohon yang rendang for picnicking.. Abah was the one who passed ALL the things from the car’s boot to Akak then she had to angkat ALL the things, bawa ke tempat Na n Mak dah bentangkan tikar di bawah pohon yang rendang itu :)

After dah siapkan Na terus berlari ke arah laut yg sedang berombak agak kuat dgn excited nya :D Akak pun turut join I bersama..
Mula-ii chillax je ombak dia but ada once tu waves dia big then lapping so I n Akak yg x ready ni terpaksa la bertahan je dipukul ombak dan akibatnya kami BASAH LENCUN SEPARUH BADAN -.- the best kay..
Then makan-ii dengan kaki yg penuh pasir :D
After agak-ii dah kenyang, I pun pergi bermain di gigi air bersama Akak, memang best gile sebab main air sambil berselipar so selipar tu pun hanyut then we both kejar n terjerit-ii together :D
Then kami pun bergerak balik tapi singgah somewhere else la but I've fallen asleep in the car after visited one another place :D

-Lots Of Love, NurAyna Diba (TheGossiperBabes)-