The Memories ;)

Hello, Hye, Assalamualaikum :)
Miss NurAyna Diba is here!
Now I'm a part of SMK Seri Perling's Ahli Bicara Berirama BM 2013 alongside wit The Boys n The Buddyz :)
Everyday ada training so macam-ii la benda yg jadi as usual :D
Hmm lupa pula! #Curiosity
Tadi kat sch The Girls macam buat MANIFESTO ntah pape je -.- terangkan, tiada perselisihan faham la amende la diorang dgn muka yg begitu stress berbincang -.- sedangkan Na sempat take a nap then lepak-ii wit The Boys :D it's so funny but 4 them it's so weird! Bagi diorang, Na ni mcam tade stress langsung!
Girls! That's mean I'm cheating! Tade org dlm dunia yg tade prob but 4 me..
Bila Allah turunkan sesuatu ujian itu, Allah takkan turunkan ujian yg hamba Dia tak mampu tempuhi..
Allah itu Maha Adil!
Believe me if korang yakin n percaya pd Allah, In Shaa Allah korang sntiasa happy macam Na :D
Another tip is bila ada prob ke stress ke apa ke just SABAR, REDHA, TAWAKKAL n DOA.. 1 more thing is bila rasa nak nangis, nangis je puas-ii tapi utk sekali tu shj.. Later, sntiasa SENYUM wlau mcm mana susah hati pun korang cause Smiling is The Best Medicine.. Plus, Smiling all the time doesn't mean you're lying to yourself but you're trying to tell yourself that you're going to be much stronger ;)